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A Brief Guide to Biomedical Ethics - Part 7

A brief review of the basic concepts of Biomedical Ethics. The following concepts will be discussed in this part:


This is the natural state of the organism, characterized by its equilibrium with the environment and the absence of any diseased changes, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and physical defects”.

Health care

This is a social system, which includes a set of actions, the main purpose of which is to protect public health - its strengthening, restoration and maintenance; prevention and treatment of diseases; creation of healthy working and living conditions; promotion of comprehensive physical and spiritual development of the population; providing it with generally available qualified medical care.


This is the amateur practice of medicine by persons who have no medical training, by means and methods that are not based on the data of medical science. Biomedical ethics is evaluated from the perspective of the correlation between the goals and means of healing, so it requires not only condemnation and disdain, but also careful study, because it may contain unknown to science elements of folk or non-traditional medicine

Ibn Sina

Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdallah Avicenna (980-1037) He was an Arabian scientist, philosopher, and physician. He regarded the goal of ethics as one of the practical sciences, the striving for perfection. He considered self-improvement in education of moral qualities, such as temperance, courage, wisdom, justice, and in suppression of mental powers of lust and anger. He associates the highest happiness with the harmony of moral virtues. The doctor considered the highest degree of morality in his readiness to do good, without any calculation, even for gratitude or a good impression.


This is a psychological category that reflects the process and result of emotional and other self-identification of an individual with another person, group, role model, or ideal.


This is a concept used to describe individuals and groups as relatively stable, self-identical entities. The personal “I” is formed by achieving a balance between the individual (personal) and social Identity, the presence of which must be taken into account in bioethics.

Internet addiction disorder (IAD)

This a real phenomenon of psychological dependence on the Internet. There are two different approaches to the interpretation of network addiction:

  1. addiction to the Net is regarded as a social phenomenon, as a phenomenon of mass culture, when a person working in the Net receives “communication pleasure”;
  2. Internet addiction is interpreted as a disease, the result of the influence of information technologies on human consciousness, which manifests itself as a special passion for the Net, when a person suffers from such addiction, but is unable to stop or control this communication without outside help.

Intimacy of relations

(from Latin intimus - deep, internal) This is closeness, close relations; in medicine - bilateral “human relations” in the system “doctor-patient”, supposing their mutual readiness to fulfill moral norms, to bear responsibility, to show respect, honesty, frankness in relation to each other One of the most delicate questions of medical ethics - possibility of occurrence on the basis of attention, trust, care about another person, mandatory for treatment process, of deep and complex feelings, sexual attraction and sexual desire. Traditionally - since Hippocrates - doctor-patient Intimacy of relations has been condemned because it is considered to jeopardize the treatment process.

Last updated on Dec 14, 2021 23:40 UTC
Victor Sanikovich - Data Science Engineer / Environmental Scientist / Full Stack Developer / DevSecOps / Blockchain Developer